Intelligent Ethernet hub for a rocket simulator
IFP is developing an intelligent Ethernet hub. This hub is used to route connections between the fire control computer of a tactical weapon system, its missiles and a missile simulator.
The data traffic between this fire control system and the missiles or the simulator can be logged using a monitor PC. The fire control system is switched between the missiles or the simulator via a special telegram from the monitor PC. The application on the monitor PC is implemented with C# .NET. The switch-on process of the missiles can be monitored. In simulator mode, dedicated error patterns of the rockets can be simulated. TCP/IP is used as the communication protocol between the PC and simulator or rockets.
- Intelligent Ethernet hub
- Rocket simulator (RSim)
- Data logging with monitor PC
- Development in C# .NET
- Monitoring the rocket activation process
- Simulator mode with error pattern projection
- TCP/IP communication protocol